
【2024/2/15 追記】

まず、VPSとは何かからご紹介します。VPS=Virtual Private Serverといい、仮想サーバーとなります!




Unix Benchmarkの結果です!!
Version 5.1.3 Based on the Byte Magazine Unix Benchmark
Multi-CPU version Version 5 revisions by Ian Smith,
Sunnyvale, CA, USA
January 13, 2011 johantheghost at yahoo period com
Use directories for:
- File I/O tests (named fs***) = /root/byte-unixbench/UnixBench/tmp
* Results = /root/byte-unixbench/UnixBench/results
Wide character in print at ./Run line 1643.
Wide character in printf at ./Run line 1674.1 x Dhrystone 2 using register variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Double-Precision Whetstone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Execl Throughput 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x Pipe Throughput 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Pipe-based Context Switching 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Process Creation 1 2 3
1 x System Call Overhead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 1 2 3
1 x Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 1 2 3
Wide character in printf at ./Run line 1574.4 x Dhrystone 2 using register variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Double-Precision Whetstone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Execl Throughput 1 2 3
4 x File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1 2 3
4 x File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1 2 3
4 x File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1 2 3
4 x Pipe Throughput 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Pipe-based Context Switching 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Process Creation 1 2 3
4 x System Call Overhead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 1 2 3
4 x Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 1 2 3
Wide character in printf at ./Run line 1574.========================================================================
BYTE UNIX Benchmarks (Version 5.1.3)System: x162-43-70-27: GNU/Linux
OS: GNU/Linux — 5.15.0-76-generic — #83-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 15 19:16:32 UTC 2023
Machine: x86_64 (x86_64)
Language: en_US.utf8 (charmap=”UTF-8″, collate=”UTF-8″)
CPU 0: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor (3992.5 bogomips)
x86-64, MMX, AMD MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, AMD virtualization, SYSCALL/SYSRET
CPU 1: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor (3992.5 bogomips)
x86-64, MMX, AMD MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, AMD virtualization, SYSCALL/SYSRET
CPU 2: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor (3992.5 bogomips)
x86-64, MMX, AMD MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, AMD virtualization, SYSCALL/SYSRET
CPU 3: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor (3992.5 bogomips)
x86-64, MMX, AMD MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, AMD virtualization, SYSCALL/SYSRET
20:04:58 up 15 min, 1 user, load average: 0.29, 0.11, 0.04; runlevel 2023-10-30
Benchmark Run: 月 10月 30 2023 20:04:58 – 20:32:57
4 CPUs in system; running 1 parallel copy of testsDhrystone 2 using register variables 41215549.2 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone 7441.4 MWIPS (9.9 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput 4031.4 lps (29.6 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1298151.7 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 342626.7 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 4095350.3 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput 1983917.5 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching 162660.5 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation 8005.4 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 11813.0 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 4176.7 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead 2408669.8 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 41215549.2 3531.8
Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 7441.4 1353.0
Execl Throughput 43.0 4031.4 937.5
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 1298151.7 3278.2
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 342626.7 2070.3
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 4095350.3 7060.9
Pipe Throughput 12440.0 1983917.5 1594.8
Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 162660.5 406.7
Process Creation 126.0 8005.4 635.4
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 11813.0 2786.1
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 4176.7 6961.1System Call Overhead 15000.0 2408669.8 1605.8
System Benchmarks Index Score 1935.0
Benchmark Run: 月 10月 30 2023 20:32:57 – 21:00:59
4 CPUs in system; running 4 parallel copies of testsDhrystone 2 using register variables 163915961.2 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone 27487.2 MWIPS (9.9 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput 11472.7 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 5170888.5 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1407648.5 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 15138667.4 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput 8212039.4 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching 875146.3 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation 30389.1 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 30321.3 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 4507.4 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead 8568995.0 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 163915961.2 14045.9
Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 27487.2 4997.7
Execl Throughput 43.0 11472.7 2668.1
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 5170888.5 13057.8
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 1407648.5 8505.4
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 15138667.4 26101.2
Pipe Throughput 12440.0 8212039.4 6601.3
Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 875146.3 2187.9
Process Creation 126.0 30389.1 2411.8
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 30321.3 7151.2
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 4507.4 7512.3System Call Overhead 15000.0 8568995.0 5712.7
System Benchmarks Index Score 6511.0
シン・VPS(vCPU:4コア,メモリー4GB) シングルコアでの結果:1935
Xserver VPS(vCPU:4コア,メモリー4GB)【参考用】
Version 5.1.3 Based on the Byte Magazine Unix Benchmark
Multi-CPU version Version 5 revisions by Ian Smith,
Sunnyvale, CA, USA
January 13, 2011 johantheghost at yahoo period com——————————————————————————
Use directories for:
* File I/O tests (named fs***) = /root/byte-unixbench/UnixBench/tmp
* Results = /root/byte-unixbench/UnixBench/results
——————————————————————————Wide character in print at ./Run line 1643.
Wide character in printf at ./Run line 1674.1 x Dhrystone 2 using register variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Double-Precision Whetstone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Execl Throughput 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x Pipe Throughput 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Pipe-based Context Switching 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Process Creation 1 2 3
1 x System Call Overhead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 1 2 3
1 x Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 1 2 3
Wide character in printf at ./Run line 1574.4 x Dhrystone 2 using register variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Double-Precision Whetstone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Execl Throughput 1 2 3
4 x File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1 2 3
4 x File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1 2 3
4 x File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1 2 3
4 x Pipe Throughput 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Pipe-based Context Switching 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Process Creation 1 2 3
4 x System Call Overhead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 1 2 3
4 x Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 1 2 3
Wide character in printf at ./Run line 1574.========================================================================
BYTE UNIX Benchmarks (Version 5.1.3)System: x162-43-33-27: GNU/Linux
OS: GNU/Linux — 5.15.0-76-generic — #83-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 15 19:16:32 UTC 2023
Machine: x86_64 (x86_64)
Language: en_US.utf8 (charmap=”UTF-8″, collate=”UTF-8″)
CPU 0: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor (3992.5 bogomips)
x86-64, MMX, AMD MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, AMD virtualization, SYSCALL/SYSRET
CPU 1: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor (3992.5 bogomips)
x86-64, MMX, AMD MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, AMD virtualization, SYSCALL/SYSRET
CPU 2: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor (3992.5 bogomips)
x86-64, MMX, AMD MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, AMD virtualization, SYSCALL/SYSRET
CPU 3: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor (3992.5 bogomips)
x86-64, MMX, AMD MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, AMD virtualization, SYSCALL/SYSRET
16:13:03 up 4 min, 1 user, load average: 0.54, 0.21, 0.07; runlevel 2023-10-29————————————————————————
Benchmark Run: 日 10月 29 2023 16:13:03 – 16:41:08
4 CPUs in system; running 1 parallel copy of testsDhrystone 2 using register variables 34149821.5 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone 5981.9 MWIPS (9.5 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput 3294.7 lps (29.9 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1223849.6 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 329504.8 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 2497498.3 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput 1826321.0 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching 163957.2 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation 5409.4 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 7299.0 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 2735.8 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead 1952626.0 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 34149821.5 2926.3
Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 5981.9 1087.6
Execl Throughput 43.0 3294.7 766.2
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 1223849.6 3090.5
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 329504.8 1991.0
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 2497498.3 4306.0
Pipe Throughput 12440.0 1826321.0 1468.1
Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 163957.2 409.9
Process Creation 126.0 5409.4 429.3
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 7299.0 1721.5
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 2735.8 4559.7
System Call Overhead 15000.0 1952626.0 1301.8
System Benchmarks Index Score 1534.6————————————————————————
Benchmark Run: 日 10月 29 2023 16:41:08 – 17:09:14
4 CPUs in system; running 4 parallel copies of testsDhrystone 2 using register variables 137015295.8 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone 22877.8 MWIPS (9.9 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput 7482.9 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 4234970.3 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1177502.9 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 9312909.4 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput 6933496.3 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching 722069.5 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation 26260.6 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 25587.4 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 3325.3 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead 7479656.8 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 137015295.8 11740.8
Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 22877.8 4159.6
Execl Throughput 43.0 7482.9 1740.2
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 4234970.3 10694.4
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 1177502.9 7114.8
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 9312909.4 16056.7
Pipe Throughput 12440.0 6933496.3 5573.6
Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 722069.5 1805.2
Process Creation 126.0 26260.6 2084.2
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 25587.4 6034.8
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 3325.3 5542.1
System Call Overhead 15000.0 7479656.8 4986.4
System Benchmarks Index Score 5168.2Xserver VPS(vCPU:4コア,メモリー4GB)
Kagoya VPS(vCPU:4コア,メモリー4GB)【参考用】
Version 5.1.3 Based on the Byte Magazine Unix Benchmark
Multi-CPU version Version 5 revisions by Ian Smith,
Sunnyvale, CA, USA
January 13, 2011 johantheghost at yahoo period com——————————————————————————
Use directories for:
* File I/O tests (named fs***) = /root/byte-unixbench/UnixBench/tmp
* Results = /root/byte-unixbench/UnixBench/results
——————————————————————————1 x Dhrystone 2 using register variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Double-Precision Whetstone 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 101 x Execl Throughput 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x Pipe Throughput 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Pipe-based Context Switching 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Process Creation 1 2 3
1 x System Call Overhead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 1 2 3
1 x Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 1 2 3
4 x Dhrystone 2 using register variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Double-Precision Whetstone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Execl Throughput 1 2 3
4 x File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1 2 3
4 x File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1 2 3
4 x File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1 2 3
4 x Pipe Throughput 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Pipe-based Context Switching 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Process Creation 1 2 3
4 x System Call Overhead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 x Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 1 2 3
4 x Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 1 2 3
BYTE UNIX Benchmarks (Version 5.1.3)System: v133-18-172-29: GNU/Linux
OS: GNU/Linux — 5.19.0-46-generic — #47~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Jun 21 15:35:31 UTC 2
Machine: x86_64 (x86_64)
Language: en_US.utf8 (charmap=”UTF-8″, collate=”UTF-8″)
CPU 0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 v3 @ 2.60GHz (5194.0 bogomips)
CPU 1: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 v3 @ 2.60GHz (5194.0 bogomips)
CPU 2: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 v3 @ 2.60GHz (5194.0 bogomips)
CPU 3: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 v3 @ 2.60GHz (5194.0 bogomips)
16:07:10 up 6 min, 1 user, load average: 0.49, 0.20, 0.07; runlevel 2023-10-29————————————————————————
Benchmark Run: Sun Oct 29 2023 16:07:10 – 16:35:15
4 CPUs in system; running 1 parallel copy of testsDhrystone 2 using register variables 32112055.2 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone 5353.7 MWIPS (9.9 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput 2741.4 lps (29.6 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 737769.9 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 195347.5 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1902831.9 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput 980107.4 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching 41292.2 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation 4857.8 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 6851.4 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 3097.9 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead 646597.1 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 32112055.2 2751.7
Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 5353.7 973.4
Execl Throughput 43.0 2741.4 637.5
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 737769.9 1863.1
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 195347.5 1180.3
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 1902831.9 3280.7
Pipe Throughput 12440.0 980107.4 787.9
Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 41292.2 103.2
Process Creation 126.0 4857.8 385.5
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 6851.4 1615.9
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 3097.9 5163.2
System Call Overhead 15000.0 646597.1 431.1
System Benchmarks Index Score 1027.8————————————————————————
Benchmark Run: Sun Oct 29 2023 16:35:15 – 17:03:25
4 CPUs in system; running 4 parallel copies of testsDhrystone 2 using register variables 130849976.2 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone 21685.6 MWIPS (9.9 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput 9775.2 lps (29.9 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 2829570.2 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 685414.5 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 4538631.0 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput 3095690.7 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching 287165.7 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation 20298.0 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 24114.9 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 3537.1 lpm (60.1 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead 2685407.4 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 130849976.2 11212.5
Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 21685.6 3942.8
Execl Throughput 43.0 9775.2 2273.3
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 2829570.2 7145.4
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 685414.5 4141.5
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 4538631.0 7825.2
Pipe Throughput 12440.0 3095690.7 2488.5
Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 287165.7 717.9
Process Creation 126.0 20298.0 1611.0
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 24114.9 5687.5
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 3537.1 5895.2
System Call Overhead 15000.0 2685407.4 1790.3
System Benchmarks Index Score 3551.0Kagoya VPS(vCPU:4コア,メモリー4GB)
Version 5.1.3 Based on the Byte Magazine Unix Benchmark
Multi-CPU version Version 5 revisions by Ian Smith,
Sunnyvale, CA, USA
January 13, 2011 johantheghost at yahoo period com——————————————————————————
Use directories for:
* File I/O tests (named fs***) = /root/byte-unixbench/UnixBench/tmp
* Results = /root/byte-unixbench/UnixBench/results
——————————————————————————Wide character in print at ./Run line 1643.
Wide character in printf at ./Run line 1674.1 x Dhrystone 2 using register variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Double-Precision Whetstone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Execl Throughput 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x Pipe Throughput 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Pipe-based Context Switching 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Process Creation 1 2 3
1 x System Call Overhead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 1 2 3
1 x Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 1 2 3
Wide character in printf at ./Run line 1574.6 x Dhrystone 2 using register variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6 x Double-Precision Whetstone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6 x Execl Throughput 1 2 3
6 x File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1 2 3
6 x File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1 2 3
6 x File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1 2 3
6 x Pipe Throughput 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6 x Pipe-based Context Switching 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6 x Process Creation 1 2 3
6 x System Call Overhead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6 x Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 1 2 3
6 x Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 1 2 3
Wide character in printf at ./Run line 1574.========================================================================
BYTE UNIX Benchmarks (Version 5.1.3)System: x162-43-70-27: GNU/Linux
OS: GNU/Linux — 5.15.0-76-generic — #83-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 15 19:16:32 UTC 2023
Machine: x86_64 (x86_64)
Language: en_US.utf8 (charmap=”UTF-8″, collate=”UTF-8″)
CPU 0: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor (3992.5 bogomips)
x86-64, MMX, AMD MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, AMD virtualization, SYSCALL/SYSRET
CPU 1: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor (3992.5 bogomips)
x86-64, MMX, AMD MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, AMD virtualization, SYSCALL/SYSRET
CPU 2: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor (3992.5 bogomips)
x86-64, MMX, AMD MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, AMD virtualization, SYSCALL/SYSRET
CPU 3: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor (3992.5 bogomips)
x86-64, MMX, AMD MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, AMD virtualization, SYSCALL/SYSRET
CPU 4: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor (3992.5 bogomips)
x86-64, MMX, AMD MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, AMD virtualization, SYSCALL/SYSRET
CPU 5: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor (3992.5 bogomips)
x86-64, MMX, AMD MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, AMD virtualization, SYSCALL/SYSRET
16:43:23 up 0 min, 1 user, load average: 0.36, 0.12, 0.04; runlevel 2023-11-01————————————————————————
Benchmark Run: 水 11月 01 2023 16:43:23 – 17:11:26
6 CPUs in system; running 1 parallel copy of testsDhrystone 2 using register variables 40915325.4 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone 6875.0 MWIPS (10.2 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput 4317.7 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1381985.7 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 365473.2 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 4214452.2 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput 2060510.7 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching 172888.8 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation 8381.2 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 11534.1 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 4696.1 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead 2413837.3 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 40915325.4 3506.0
Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 6875.0 1250.0
Execl Throughput 43.0 4317.7 1004.1
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 1381985.7 3489.9
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 365473.2 2208.3
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 4214452.2 7266.3
Pipe Throughput 12440.0 2060510.7 1656.4
Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 172888.8 432.2
Process Creation 126.0 8381.2 665.2
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 11534.1 2720.3
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 4696.1 7826.8
System Call Overhead 15000.0 2413837.3 1609.2
System Benchmarks Index Score 1996.9————————————————————————
Benchmark Run: 水 11月 01 2023 17:11:26 – 17:39:28
6 CPUs in system; running 6 parallel copies of testsDhrystone 2 using register variables 246618104.6 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone 40324.1 MWIPS (9.9 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput 12006.1 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 8027973.8 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 2136994.7 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 23274709.5 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput 12436554.1 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching 1286191.2 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation 43374.9 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 39959.7 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 5958.6 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead 13079950.0 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 246618104.6 21132.7
Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 40324.1 7331.6
Execl Throughput 43.0 12006.1 2792.1
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 8027973.8 20272.7
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 2136994.7 12912.4
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 23274709.5 40128.8
Pipe Throughput 12440.0 12436554.1 9997.2
Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 1286191.2 3215.5
Process Creation 126.0 43374.9 3442.4
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 39959.7 9424.5
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 5958.6 9931.1
System Call Overhead 15000.0 13079950.0 8720.0
System Benchmarks Index Score 9284.7シン・VPS(vCPU:6コア,メモリー8GB)

また、Xserver VPSの性能よりも約20%程性能が高くなります!
